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Provincial Affiliates

The AIC works collaboratively with our 10 provincial affiliated associations to grant the distinguished Accredited Appraiser Canadian Institute (AACI™) and Canadian Residential Appraiser (CRA™) designations. The national and provincial staff and volunteers are committed to advancing the interests of our members.

Yukon Northwest Territories Nunanut Territory British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba Ontario Quebec Newfoundland & Labrador New Brunswick Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia Provicial Affiliates

Roles and Responsibilities

National Office

The AIC’s national office develops national-level policies, programs and initiatives in the following areas:

Professional Practice

Canadian Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (CUSPAP), consolidated regulations, ethics, professional practice advice/counsel to members (except where dictated by Provincial Legislation), consumer inquiries/complaints, discipline of members, content of the Professional Practice Seminars, delivery of national webinar and distance learning programs for Professional Practice Seminars.

Admissions and Accreditation

Standards for admission, AIC’s Program of Professional Study curriculum/instructional standards, examinations/designation requirements and Professional Competency Interviews.

Marketing and Communication

Advertising/promotional/recruitment activities, AIC website, social media and media relations.


Outreach to the Government of Canada, national agencies (including Crown Corporations), national associations and national-level stakeholders and collaboration with provincial affiliates on advocacy initiatives.

Administration and Governance

National bylaws, membership dues, national conference and AGM.

Provincial Affiliates

The Affiliated Organization delivers AIC national programs within their region, as follows:

Professional Practice

Delivery of provincial classroom and webinar Professional Practice Seminars.

Admission and Accreditation

Enrolment of new Student and Candidate Members, reinstatement of former/inactive members, support for Candidate Members (including local mentoring, reviews of files, Applied Experience Program enrolment/management/completion) and delivery of Continuing Professional Development opportunities.

Marketing and Communication

Local advertising/promotional/recruitment activities and the Affiliated Organization website.


Outreach to the Provincial Government, regionally-specific agencies (including Crown Corporations), provincial associations and other stakeholder groups specific to their region.

Administration and Governance

Provincial bylaws, provincial conferences and AGM.