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Standing Committees

Committees play an invaluable role in administering and advancing the goals and objectives of the Appraisal Institute of Canada (AIC). Committee members help influence the goals, objectives and outcomes of the organization and receive their authority from and are accountable to AIC’s Board of Directors.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is responsible for the day-to- day administration of the affairs of AIC in accordance with policies and actions approved by the Board.

  • Chair: Claudio Polito, P. App., AACI, Ontario
  • Suzanne de Jong, P. App., AACI, Fellow, Ontario
  • Dena Knopp, P. App., CRA, Alberta
  • Joanne Slaney, P. App., AACI, Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Terry Dowle, P. App., AACI, British Columbia
  • Donna Dewar, CEO (Non-Voting Member)
Admissions and Accreditation Committee (AAC)

The AAC oversees all matters regarding learning and education for AIC, including entry requirements, designation requirements and Continuing Professional Development (CPD). With respect to the preceding, it is AAC’s responsibility to:

  • Make decisions on curriculum and administrative matters
  • Act as an advisory resource to the Board on matters of fundamental change
  • Advise the Board on all matters regarding the Applied Experience and Mentoring Programs for AIC Designations (AACI and CRA)
  • Take responsibility for:
    • Establishing and documenting the professional qualities, skills and abilities required of designated members of the Institute, which may include creating and utilizing needs analysis instruments
    • Producing a Syllabus that outlines key competencies and provides recommendations on the content of the courses in the AIC – Program of Professional Studies and Continuing Professional Development
    • Undertaking research on foreign qualifications in conjunction with UBC
    • Undertaking such other duties and responsibilities as may be delegated to it from time to time by the Board

  • Chair: Joanne Slaney, P. App., AACI, Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Deana Halladay, P. App., CRA, Fellow, Manitoba
  • Adam Palmer, P. App., AACI, Ontario
  • Nicholas Ruta, P. App., AACI, Manitoba
  • Katie Manojlovich, P. App., AACI, Newfoundland and Labrador
  • JT Dhoot, P. App., AACI, Alberta
  • Jeff Thompson, P. App., AACI, Alberta
  • Ayda Chamcham, P. App., AACI, Quebec
  • Steve Paik, P. App., AACI, Ontario
  • Erin McGregor, Candidate Representative, British Columbia
  • Charles-Olivier Amedee-Manesme, ULaval Representative
  • Lucie Francoeur, FSA ULaval Representative
  • John Bridal, UBC Representative
  • Andre Gravelle, UBC Representative
  • Kevin Collins, AIC National Staff
  • Mike Schulkowsky, AIC National Staff
  • Sueann Rogers, AIC National Staff
Advocacy Committee

AIC’s Advocacy Committee works to support and promote our Members on a national and provincial level, and advocates for them on issues that impact the valuation profession and the real estate industry.

  • Chair: Scott Wilson, P. App., AACI, Fellow, Prince Edward Island
  • Ed Saxe, P. App., CRA, Ontario
  • Brad Brewster, P. App., AACI, Alberta
  • Donna Dewar, CEO (Non-Voting Member)
  • Sophie Lamontagne, AIC National Staff
  • Brandyn Hayes, AIC National Staff
Audit and Finance Committee

The Audit and Finance Committee assists the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities by reviewing and making recommendations regarding all AIC financial affairs.

  • Chair: Dena Knopp, P. App., CRA, Alberta
  • Joanne Slaney, P. App., AACI, Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Louis Poirier, P. App., AACI, New Brunswick
  • Ed Saxe, P. App., CRA, Ontario
  • Andre Pouliot, P. App., AACI, Nova Scotia
  • Donna Dewar, CEO (Non-Voting Member)
  • Glenda Cardinal, AIC National Staff
Bylaws, Regulations and Procedures

The Committee is responsible for reviewing material prepared by or on behalf of the various AIC Committees and/or producing material for advice with respect to Bylaws, Regulations and Procedures and such other duties and responsibilities as may be delegated to it from time to time by the Board.

  • Chair: Suzanne de Jong, P. App., AACI (Fellow), Ontario
  • Louis Poirier, P. App., AACI, New Brunswick
  • Ed Saxe, P. App., CRA Ontario
  • Andre Pouliot, P. App., AACI (Fellow), Nova Scotia
  • Scott Wilson, P. App., AACI (Fellow), Prince Edward Island
  • Donna Dewar, CEO (Non-Voting Member)
Communications Committee

The Communications Committee supports the Strategic Plan objectives of achieving profile for AIC members, focusing on promotion and advocacy, including a branding strategy. The goal is to achieve these conditions:

  • AIC members having increased presence and influence;
  • AIC members being sought after for input on public policy matters; and
  • Increased brand recognition

  • (Chair) Terry Dowle, P. App., AACI, British Columbia
  • Scott Wilson, P. App., AACI (Fellow), PEI
  • Steve Blacklock, P. App., AACI, British Columbia
  • Stephen Otto, P. App., CRA, Ontario
  • Sanjit Singh, P. App., AACI,  Alberta
  • Ida Miceli-Constant, P. App., CRA, Ontario
  • Shalane Spurrell, P. App., AACI, Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Vince Londini, Candidate, Ontario
  • Marie-Claude Proteau, P. App., AACI, Quebec
  • Sophie Lamontagne, AIC National Staff
  • Brandyn Hayes, AIC National Staff
  • Hannah Tellier, AIC National Staff
Conference Working Group

The Conference Working Group is responsible, in concert with the AIC Conference and Meetings Planner, for the organization, planning and implementation of the annual conference of the Appraisal Institute of Canada.

  • (Chair) Scott Wilson, P. App., AACI (Fellow), PEI
  • Boyce Costello, P. App., AACI, PEI
  • Kevin Collins, AIC National Staff
Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee oversees nominations for AIC members and others to serve on committees.

  • (Chair) Suzanne de Jong,  P. App., AACI (Fellow), Ontario
  • Dena Knopp, P. App., CRA, Alberta
  • Sandra Behm, P. App., AACI, British Columbia
  • Cynthia Villeneuve, P. App., AACI, Quebec
  • Donna Dewar, CEO (Non-Voting Member)
Quebec Relations
  • Gilles Lecours, P. App., AACI, Quebec
  • Donna Dewar, CEO (Non-Voting Member)
  • Antoinette Schieda, Manager, Organizational Governance and Executive Director – AIC-NL and AIC-QC
President’s Council on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
  • (Chair) David Shum, P. App., AACI (Fellow), Alberta
  • Claudio Polito, P. App., AACI Ontario
  • Andy Pham, P. App., AACI, British Columbia
  • Ashita Chandra, Candidate, Ontario
  • Brian Gay, P. App., AACI, Ontario
  • James Ballard, P. App., CRA,  British Columbia
  • Marcel Parsons, P. App., AACI, Ontario
  • Ayda Chamcham, P. App., AACI, Quebec
  • Tian Wigmore, P. App., AACI, Prince Edward Island
  • Aaron Mullin, P. App., CRA, Alberta
  • Cecilia J. Duan, Candidate, Ontario
  • Sandy Huang, Candidate, Ontario
  • Hannah Tellier, AIC National Staff
Professional Practice Committee
  • (Co-Chair) Dena Knopp, P. App., CRA, Alberta
  • (Co-Chair) André Pouliot, P. App., AACI (Fellow), Nova Scotia
  • Suzanne de Jong, P. App., AACI (Fellow), Ontario
  • Thomas Fox, P. App., AACI (Fellow), Saskatchewan
  • Louis Poirier, P. App., AACI, New Brunswick
  • Deana Halladay, P. App., CRA (Fellow), Manitoba
  • Robert Robson, P. App., AACI (Fellow), Ontario
  • Terry Brooke, P. App., AACI, Alberta
  • Michael Fox, AACI, P. App., Saskatchewan
  • Pat Cooper, P. App., AACI (Retired), Fellow, Alberta
  • Peter Lawrek, P. App., AACI (Fellow), Saskatchewan
  • Cliff Smirl, P. App., AACI, British Columbia
  • Allan Beatty, P. App., AACI (Fellow), British Columbia
  • Prabdeep Singh, P. App., CRA, Alberta
  • Daniel Doucet, P. App., AACI (Fellow), Ontario
  • Larry Brewer, P. App., AACI, Ontario
  • Brian Varner, P. App., AACI, British Columbia
  • Shelley Poirier, AIC National Staff
  • Sophie Fortier, AIC National Staff

The Professional Practice Committee is composed of the following Subcommittees:

Investigating Subcommittee

The Investigating Subcommittee considers and investigates complaints regarding the conduct or professional services (appraisal, review, consulting, reserve fund planning) prepared by any member of AIC.

  • (Chair) Terry Brooke, P. App., AACI, Alberta
  • Chris Marlyn, P. App., AACI, Alberta
  • Lisa Campbell, P. App., AACI, Ontario
  • Hugo Généreux, P. App., AACI, Quebec
  • Alireza Alvandi, P. App., AACI, Ontario
  • Mike Kirkland, P. App., AACI, Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Sandra Behm, P. App., AACI, British Columbia
  • Aaron Harlang, P. App., AACI, Ontario
  • Steve Lefaivre, P. App., AACI, Ontario
  • Allison Clarke, P. App., CRA, Ontario
  • MaryAnne Espie, P. App., CRA, Ontario
  • Peter McLean, P. App., AACI (Fellow), Ontario
  • Jan Wicherek, P. App., AACI (Fellow), New Brunswick
  • Pardeep Punia, P. App., CRA, Ontario
  • Kenneth Young, P. App., AACI, Nova Scotia
  • Steven Gomes, P. App., AACI, Ontario
  • Shelley Poirier, AIC National Staff
  • Sophie Fortier, AIC National Staff
Adjudicating Subcommittee

The Adjudicating Subcommittee hears all allegations against members referred to it by the Professional Practice Advocate. In addition, the Adjudicating Subcommittee hears appeals of decisions made by the Counsellor, Professional Practice.

  • (Chair) Pat Cooper, P. App., AACI (Retired), Fellow, Alberta
  • Stephen Waqué, AACI (Honourary), Ontario
  • Michael Fox, P. App., AACI, Saskatchewan
  • Femi Rufus, P. App., AACI, Ontario
  • Grant Uba, P. App., AACI (Fellow), Ontario
  • Charles Johnstone, P. App., AACI, Ontario
  • Barton Bourassa, P. App., AACI, British Columbia
  • Simon Chin, P. App., AACI, Alberta
  • Dan Jones, P. App., AACI, British Columbia
  • Marc Dallaire, P. App., CRA, Ontario
  • Kenneth Young, P. App., AACI, Nova Scotia
  • Shelley Poirier, AIC National Staff
  • Sophie Fortier, AIC National Staff
Appeal Subcommittee

The Appeal Subcommittee hears all appeals by members or the Professional Practice Advocate against decisions of an Adjudicating Subcommittee. In addition, the Appeal Subcommittee hears all appeals relating to mandatory Continuing Professional Development and Admissions.

  • (Chair) Robert Robson, P. App., AACI (Fellow), Ontario
  • John Shevchuck, AACI (Honourary), British Columbia
  • Larry Dybvig, P. App., AACI (Fellow), British Columbia
  • Stan Jugovic, P. App., AACI, Ontario
  • Ray Bower, P. App., AACI (Fellow), Ontario
  • Carl Nilsen, P. App., AACI (Fellow), British Columbia
  • Mike Scichilone, P. App., AACI, New Brunswick
  • Shelley Poirier, AIC National Staff
  • Sophie Fortier, AIC National Staff
Standards Subcommittee

The Standards Subcommittee is responsible for establishing, reviewing, improving and promulgating standards of professional appraisal practice and ethics, and such other duties and responsibilities as may be delegated to it from time to time by the Board. The Standards Subcommittee is also responsible for recommending to the Board proposed amendments to the Institute’s Ethics Standards. The Board has the authority to review other material prepared by or on behalf of the members for advice with respect to compliance with The Standards.

  • (Chair) Deana Halladay, P. App., CRA (Fellow), Manitoba
  • Dianna LeBreton, P. App., CRA, Ontario
  • Brian Varner, P. App., AACI, British Columbia
  • Dan Wilson, P. App., AACI (Fellow), British Columbia
  • Glenn Fletcher, P. App., CRA, Ontario
  • Dan Brewer, P. App., AACI (Fellow), Ontario
  • Stephen Kooyman, P. App., CRA, Alberta
  • Laurel Edwards, P. App., AACI, Alberta
  • John Farmer, P. App., AACI, Alberta
  • Shelley Poirier, AIC National Staff
  • Sophie Fortier, AIC National Staff
Forms Subcommittee
  • (Chair) Thomas Fox, P. App., AACI (Fellow), Saskatchewan
  • Dan Brewer, P. App., AACI (Fellow), Ontario
  • Glenn  Fletcher, P. App., CRA, Ontario
  • Dena Knopp, P. App., CRA, Alberta
  • Steven Rocca, P. App., CRA, Ontario
  • Chris Corey, P. App., CRA, Ontario
  • Shelley Poirier, AIC National Staff
  • Michael Schulkowsky,  AIC National Staff