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2010 – Volume 54 – Tome 1

Évaluation immobilière au Canada

2010 – Volume 54 – Tome 1

Issue Articles

2010 – Volume 54 – Tome 1
Possible Valuation Issues with Life Lease Housing
Jane Londerville
By Jane Londerville, Associate Professor and Interim Chair,Marketing and Consumer Studies Department, University of Guelph Introduction Life lease housing is a relatively new form of tenure in Canada, but a rapidly growing one in Ontario and the western provinces. It…...
2010 – Volume 54 – Tome 1
Strategic Asset Management (Real Property)
Gordon MacNair
By Gordon E. MacNair, AACI, P. App., Director, Real Estate Partnerships & Development Office, City of Ottawa Overview The purpose of this article is to review the complexities associated with real property asset management. The process begins with understanding the…...