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2011 – Volume 55 – Tome 4

Évaluation immobilière au Canada

2011 – Volume 55 – Tome 4

Issue Articles

2011 – Volume 55 – Tome 4
Challenges to our professionalism
Darrel Mitchell
By Darrel Mitchell, AACI Property Agent – Appraiser, Peace River, Alberta As an AACI member working for the Government of Alberta, which hires appraisers to prepare reports based on the Expropriation Act of Alberta, I have received reports which do…...
2011 – Volume 55 – Tome 4
Commercial lease analysis trips and traps
John Peebles
By John Peebles, AACI Analysis of the commercial lease agreement is the core of IC&I appraisal and value added consulting work. Yet, the problem appraisers face is the pressure to trade-off the due diligence required for thorough lease analysis with…...