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2012 – Volume 56 – Tome 1

Évaluation immobilière au Canada

2012 – Volume 56 – Tome 1

Issue Articles

2012 – Volume 56 – Tome 1
Land acquisition for capital projects
Doug Fourchalk
By Doug Fourchalk, RI, FRI, SR/WA Principal, DM Fourchalk Property Consultants Inc. This article is reprinted with the permission of the Real Estate Institute of British Columbia. What is a right-of-way agent? Here in British Columbia, where I practice my…...
2012 – Volume 56 – Tome 1
Reviewing building files benefits the appraiser and the client
David Godfrey
By David M. Godfrey AACI, RI In the world of appraisal, building file review is an area that ensures quality and thoroughness of an appraisal report. In the end, it is a practice that benefits both the appraiser and the…...