Dena Knopp

Dena joined the AIC in 2003 and received her CRA designation in 2007. She currently operates her residential appraisal firm, Advantage Valuation, in Calgary and surrounding area, completing a wide range of residential valuations (including vacant land, leasehold properties, and country residential acreages), with a focused specialization in relocation appraisals. She has also testified as an Expert Witness before the City of Calgary Assessment Appeal Board and the Municipal Government Board.
Dena has an extensive volunteer portfolio which includes volunteering for the Calgary Municipal Land Corporation from 2009 to 2016, the AIC-Alberta Board of Directors since 2012, and the AIC National Board of Directors since 2019.
Prior to joining the appraisal industry, Dena spent 10 years as a Legal Assistant, primarily in real estate, foreclosures, and litigation.